Link to CSPM 2022
15-18 September 2022, Ohrid, Macedonia
13th Conference of the Society of Physicists of Macedonia - CSPM 2020
16 - 19 September 2021
Virtual meeting
Information for authors
The duration of the plenary talks is 45 minutes, including 10-15 min for discussion.
The duration of the invited talks is 30 minutes, including discussion.
The duration of regular oral presentations is planned to be 20 min, including discussion.
Due to the virtual nature of the conference we are only accepting Electronic Posters (E-Posters) in PDF format. The poster should be
a clear visual presentation of your submitted abstract.
Accepted manuscripts will be published in the Conference Proceedings CSPM 2020.
Manuscript preparation
Please prepare your manuscript in English on the templates given bellow, preferably in LaTeX.
General instructions
Page number limitations
Contributed talks and posters - 4 pages
Invited talk - 6 pages
Plenary talks – 8 pages
Please do not exceed the maximum number of pages. If the manuscript is not prepared on the given template or exceeds the number of pages, it will be returned back to the authors for adjustments, which will result in a delay of the publishing process.
Manuscript submission
Please submit your manuscript as a pdf file to dfrm.conference@gmail.com latest by 15 November 2021. After a peer review process, the corresponding author will be notified on the acceptance of the submitted paper. The authors of the accepted papers will be asked to submit the source files and sign the copyright form before the publishing process. For any questions or concerns regarding the manuscript preparation you may contact:
Irina Petreska – petreskairina@gmail.com
Olga Galbova – ogalbova@gmail.com
Aleksandar Skeparovski - skepalek@gmail.com